What up?

Name’s D’Onjre Young. I’m a 1st AC and Camera Op based in Atlanta, Georgia. Self-taught and highly driven: I’ve been working in the film/tv industry for seven years now, finding myself working in all types of productions ranging from music videos to narratives, to docu-series and commercials. Been on a lotta fun and challenging projects that pushed me each time to grow and learn to be both a better storyteller and leader. Coming from a family of non-creatives, it was a massive surprise to everyone that I was even doing this so…go me.

I’m also the Co-Founder of a production company we call SWM. Our team comes together on all scales of production when no single person can do it on their own. Think of it like the Avengers but with a lot less avenging and a lot more tedious paperwork.

-I guess if it matters, I’m an award-winning screenwriter.

Campus Movie Fest Jury Award
Silver Tripod Winner-Performance Award
100% Attendance in 2nd Grade